Thank you, 2nd Ward!

As you may know by now, on Tuesday we won the Primary for the Democratic Nomination for Second Ward Alderman in the City of Kankakee.

Quite a mouthful. But basically, with no declared opponent in the general, here’s what I think this election win meant:

  • It proves that you don’t need attack mailers from the "Committee of Nonsense & Anything Goes" to get votes in our City of Kankakee.

  • It means that you can run a positive, issue-based, and winning campaign by creating a broad, multi-racial, and multi-generational coalition.

  • It shows that our community not only wants change but that we are willing to accept change, that we are willing to put in place bold new ideas that have worked elsewhere, but haven’t yet been tried here in the Key City.

  • It makes clear our City wants a Council that works together to build up Kankakee

I can't thank our volunteers and supporters enough for all your help in creating this campaign and helping to push its message of Strong Neighborhoods, Safe Streets, and a United City. But even if I don’t have an opponent, I’m asking you to vote again for me on April 6 at the general election.

Thanks again.

Dave Baron


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Podcast: The Next Generation Economy in Kankakee